Monday 12 March 2012

Chicken Hot Tub Party

My goal is to write in my blog every day. So this is two days in a row now. Good start!

Today is a busy, busy day! I have to finish the last two loads of laundry and then I'm caught up. Woo! First time in a month I've been able to say that. For the record, laundry is my nemesis. If I ever built a dream home, I'd copy an idea my friend Joce had. I would build one big central closet that would store everyone's clothes. The room would have my washer and dryer, a big sink, and a drying rack. It would be highly organized and pretty. It would be in the main living area in our house. Not two flights of stairs away from the bedrooms. Carrying baskets up and down all day is a waste of time and is the reason I don't keep up with my laundry - I'm sure of that! So yes, the dream house will have a central closet. Ah, it's good to dream!

After I got my laundry going this morning, I decided to make chicken stock. The stock is for soups, and the leftover chicken will be shredded and put into bags for different meals like tacos, soups, salads, etc.

So this is who was invited to the chicken hot tub party today:

We've got carrots, celery, 1/2 a red onion, 1/2 a lemon, 2 cloves of garlic, kosher salt (I love kosher salt!), pepper, 2 bay leafs, oregano and of course, the chicken who made this hot tub extravaganza possible. And lemon, you say? Yes, lemon! I don't know what it is but the acid helps to balance the broth. Trust me on that one :)
I washed the veggies that need to be washed and roughly cut them into big chunks and dumped them into a large pot. I'm going to discard all the veggies afterwards so they don't need to be perfect. I'm just looking for flava!

And of course, Mr. Chicken and his spicy friends jumped in the tub too.

I covered the contents with enough cold water to almost cover the chicken. I put the lid on and will let it bubble on medium low heat for a good three hours until all the flavours mingle and get to know each other intimately.  This should make a pretty big pot of chicken noodle soup later which will be lunches for most of the week. I add bow tie pasta, sliced carrots, celery and chicken to the broth. It's so delicious and comforting!

After my chicken stock is done, I have to be at the school to help my daughter's kindergarten class with math. Ha.... Me and math don't go together at all. But that's a story for another day. Thankfully, it's still at a level I can handle. Grade 1 next year.... Not sure if I'll be qualified.

Until we meet again blogosphere!



  1. You write good :P

  2. mmmm, totally going to try the lemon. now i want chicken noodle soup!
